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This post is a bit over­due con­sid­er­ing the project for which I did this was com­pleted months ago. I finally got around to doc­u­ment­ing it. Magento’s prod­uct list view lets cus­tomers add prod­ucts to the shop­ping cart one at a time. The client wanted cus­tomers to be able to add mul­ti­ple prod­ucts to the shop­ping cart simul­ta­ne­ously. Given the time con­straints for the projects, I cre­ated an ad hoc AJAX method to accom­plish this fea­ture request.


Adding a prod­uct to a Magento (ver. 1.3.1) shop­ping cart is accom­plished through an HTTP GET request. It will look like or sim­i­lar to this:


That URL is out­put by the tem­plate helper:


Since adding a prod­uct to the shop­ping cart is noth­ing more than a GET request, then all that needs to be done is queue up the URLs of the desired prod­ucts, make each request in order, and then reload the page when done.

First, in app/design/frontend/ / /template/catalog/product/list.html, I first added check­boxes to allow cus­tomers to select which prod­ucts they want and also hid­den fields for stor­ing the URLs to add the prod­uct and text fields for the quantity. 

isGrouped()): ?>

I added this code within the loop that gen­er­ate the HTML for the prod­uct line items for the list. Next, I added the JavaScript that does the actual pro­cess­ing, also within the list sec­tion right after the script block that con­tains: decorateList('products-list', 'none-recursive') .

At the bot­tom of the list I added a sub­mit button.

Click­ing the but­ton calls the func­tion addItemsToCart() . The func­tion hides the but­ton to pre­vent a dou­ble click and unhides the sta­tus mes­sage. Next, the func­tion deter­mines which check­boxes are checked. For each checked check­box, the func­tion finds the cor­re­spond­ing URL field and quan­tity field, con­cate­nates the two val­ues, and stores the new URL in an array. If the length of the array is greater than 0, then the func­tion calls processNext() , oth­er­wise it dis­plays an error mes­sage and resets the sub­mit button.

The func­tion processNext() first updates the pro­cess­ing mes­sage. The func­tion takes the array of URLs and an index, and then cre­ates an AJAX GET request using the URL at the given index in the array. If the AJAX request com­pletes, it calls process­Next() with the same array but with an incre­mented index while the index is less than the array length. If the incre­mented index is greater than the array length, then that ends the pro­cess­ing and the func­tion reloads the page.

That’s it. If there is any­thing wrong with the code, it assumes that all the GET requests will com­plete. Unfor­tu­nately, given the time con­straints there was no time to account for the sce­nario where a GET request fails.

6 Responses to “How To Simultaneously Add Multiple Products To A Magento Shopping Cart”

  1. benabbas amine said on September 8th, 2010 at 6:53 pm:

    Nice work, but when we click on add items to cart, they are going to Recently Viewed Prod­ucts instead .… Any idea about this, have you updated your codes …


  2. Brian said on September 8th, 2010 at 9:24 pm:

    I have no idea. I have not updated the code for the lat­est ver­sion of Magento.

  3. Erin said on December 8th, 2010 at 8:13 am:

    Hi Brian,

    Thank you for this post. I know this is a lit­tle off topic but — Do you have any idea how to imple­ment this idea for the Prod­uct Com­pare func­tion rather than the cart? I.e. if I have mul­ti­ple prod­ucts listed,I would like to check off the ones I want to com­pare and click “Com­pare Prod­ucts” and have all the prod­ucts I checked off added to the com­pare popup?

    Thank you!


  4. Brian said on December 8th, 2010 at 6:13 pm:


    Unfor­tu­nately, I’m not famil­iar with the Prod­uct Com­pare func­tion and so I don’t know if this tech­nique is applicable.

  5. WebbOn said on March 2nd, 2011 at 8:56 am:


    I’m try­ing to get it to work on the cus­tom tem­plate, where I show all items from all cat­e­gories by using the getItems () as $ _product):?>
    Script pro­cess­ing checked items but does not save the prod­ucts in cart, the page just restarts.

    This is my code:

    helper (‘cat­a­log / out­put’);
    $ prod­uct = Mage:: get­Model (‘cat­a­log / prod­uct’);
    $ Pro­duct­Name col­lec­tion = $ product-> get­Col­lec­tion () -> addAt­trib­ut­e­ToS­e­lect (‘*’);
    $ _product = $ this-> get­Prod­uct ();
    getItems () as $ _product):?>
    <a href = ” get­Pro­duc­tUrl ()?>”> get­Name ()?>
    <a href = ” get­Pro­duc­tUrl ()?>”> get­Sku ()?>
    get­Price ()?>

  6. codered said on March 2nd, 2011 at 2:40 pm:

    Hi! how about update script to use with magento there addto­cartlink looks like /checkout/cart/add/product/25/qty/3

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